Arincare — Make Healthcare Affordable

Teera Kanokkanjanarat
4 min readNov 11, 2020


Arincare raises series A round with Nexter Ventures, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Depa

Today I’m incredibly excited to share that Arincare has raised our Series A round of funding, led by Nexter Ventures with Mitsubishi Corporation and DEPA participate in this round.

When we started Arincare, our co-founding team was adamant on staying independent and not relying on outside funding as long as we can. That was because we want to

  1. Stay focus on building the product
  2. Make sure we truly understand the industry and its pain points
  3. Build a sustainable business model

And we would only consider fundraising only on two specific conditions — that our work created real positive impact and we need to scale to achieve our vision.

By all factors considered, we’ve accomplished these criteria!

Why did we raise our Series A?

For the past 5 years, we were fortunate to have served one of the best community in the world — our very own local pharmacists, and worked with amazing partners in pharmaceutical industries. We prioritised building product, forming exceptional team, and creating impact before growth.

Today we can see the result of our hard work. We helped thousands of local pharmacists being more productive and served millions of consumers. We’ve partnered with pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and other parties in the industry.

Putting these pieces together, we believe that we can do more, as a technology enabler, as a platform, and as an ecosystem builder. It’s time for us to scale our impact to the mass, extend our value to pharmaceutical industry, and bring a better Healthcare for everyone.

Our Partners

We are grateful and excited to have both Nexter Ventures and Mitsubishi Corporation together with us on our journey ahead. We believe that when it comes to who we would be walking together, Alignment is the key. There’re 3 key elements we focus on — Value alignment, Strategic alignment, and Investment Philosophy alignment.

Value Alignment — All of us believe that in delivering values to our society is equally important as growing our business. We believe that affordable and accessible healthcare is the baseline measurement for standard living and quality of life. This is essentially our ‘Why’ we chose to be in Healthcare in the very first place.

Strategic Alignment — We all share the basic ideas of how we’re going to achieve our values and goals — through Empowerment. We want to empower our local pharmacists, not control. We aim to work together with small business, not taking over.

Investment Alignment —As we value the uniqueness and beauty of Healthcare, it’s our responsibility to make sure that our partners share the same view and appreciate those elements. Investment aside, creating impact in Healthcare is a long term thing which means that it wouldn’t be a straight forward fit for VC’s playbook.

Ethics, empathy, and business must go hand-in-hand. We carefully selected our partners and made sure that they understand what they’re getting into (yes! we’re choosy!).

We are fortunate to have found partners who enthusiastically share all of these with us.

Make Healthcare Affordable

When Arincare started out, we put ourselves in the role of technology enabler, transitioning and transforming Healthcare with digital technology. “Empowering Healthcare” has been our mission. But we always set our sight on a broader vision that, one day, we’ll be a Healthcare company.

However, when we reflect on what we do everyday, we found that we can do more. And we want to do more.

We can pass on the values we created not to the healthcare provider but also to the most important person in the ecosystem — Patients. Thus we’re changing our course- from “Empowering Healthcare” to “Make Healthcare Affordable” to reflect our mission.

Thank you

Simply put, we couldn’t have done it without you.

We are the quintessential example of organic growth primarily enabled by YOU — our pharmacist users, our team, and our partners.

For those of you that were on this journey with us, you know we’ve been there every step of the way listening to your feedback — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Ultimately, you are what made us successful, and I can’t give you enough credit and thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Let’s continue to make positive impact to the world — Make Healthcare Affordable, together

Onward & Upward,



Read the full story here >>

Find out more about positive impact we created to the world:

